Gross Regional Domestic Product of Morowali Regency by Industry 2018-2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Morowali Regency

Saat ini Publikasi Kabupaten Morowali Dalam Angka 2024 sudah rilis dan sudah dapat diunduh disini

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Morowali Regency by Industry 2018-2022

Catalog Number : 9302021.7203
Publication Number : 72030.2303
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 5, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 3.23 MB


The Morowali Regency Gross Regional Domestic Product Book according to the Business Field in 2018-2022 is a continuation of the previous years publication compiled by BPS Morowali Regency. This publication presents a descriptive review of the economic development of Morowali Regency. This book also presents GRDP tables for 2018-2022 based on current prices and 2010 constant prices in the form of nominal values and percentages.
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